Selasa, 15 Mac 2011

Berdrama di tengah malam.

Assalamualaikum semua..haii kOrang!Malam nie Miera memang langsung tak dapat nak lelapkan mata.Taktau lah kenapa.Hagaknya rindu kat someone kot.."kOt".=_='. Rindu lah sangat yer.Tujuan menghupdate belOg malam nie:~
Miera nak stowy kat kOrang pasal fiem² yang Miera minat tahap gaban, walaupOn dah lama filem² berkenaan ditayangkan di pawagam, tapi Miera tak pernah muak untuk tengOk berkali² sampai dah hafal segala bagai dialOg, aksi dowang pe sume..;).Antara filem² nya ialah cerita dari Thailand & IndOnesia.Yang laen sume memang Miera tak minat..bukan tak minat sebenarnya, tapi juz nengOk macam tu jer, lepas tu, dah habes, habes r..terOs padam dalam memOri paler wOtak nie.

Macam yang kOrang tahu, setiap cerita ada kebaikan+keburukan & nilai+pengajaran yang diperapkan dalam cerita berkenaan mahupOn ia filem seram ataupOn sedih..Oh yeah, itu sudah semestinya. Kalau tak ada, membazir je pengarah² dOk kuar bajet banyak nak buat filem tuh kan??Dah², kejap lagi denn plak yang jadi pengarahnya..chepua~! hOho..dah laa,malas nak taip panjang²..kita layan jelah ape yang ada kat bawah nun.=)

Ayat-Ayat Cinta

Tersebutlah Maria Girgis (Carissa Putri). Tetangga satu flat yang beragama Kristen Koptik tapi mengagumi Al Quran. Dan menganggumi Fahri. Kekaguman yang berubah menjadi cinta. Sayang cinta Maria hanya tercurah dalam diary saja. Lalu ada Nurul (Melanie Putria). Anak seorang kyai terkenal yang juga mengeruk ilmu di Al Azhar. Sebenarnya Fahri menaruh hati pada gadis manis ini. Sayang rasa mindernya yang hanya anak keturunan petani membuatnya tidak pernah menunjukkan rasa apa pun pada Nurul. Sementara Nurul pun menjadi ragu dan selalu menebak-nebak. Setelah itu ada Noura (Zaskia Adya Mecca). Juga tetangga yang selalu disika Ayahnya sendiri. Fahri berempati penuh dengan Noura dan ingin menolongnya. Sayang hanya empati saja. Tidak lebih. Namun Noura yang mengharap lebih. Dan nantinya ini menjadi masalah besar ketika Noura menuduh Fahri memperkosanya.
Terakhir muncullah Aisha (Rianti Cartwright). Si mata indah yang menyihir Fahri. Sejak sebuah kejadian di metro, saat Fahri membela Islam dari tuduhan kolot dan kaku, Aisha jatuh cinta pada Fahri. Dan Fahri juga tidak bisa membohongi hatinya. Lalu bagaimana bocah desa nan lurus itu menghadapi ini semua? Siapa yang dipilihnya? Bisakah dia menjalani semua dalam jalur Islam yang sangat dia yakini?
Jenis Filem
120 minit

ini adalah adegan saat Fahri melakukan Qiraah Sab’ah di Masjid Al-Azhar, Cairo 

Aisha dan Mariam membuat hati lelaki Indonesia itu bingung.Ketika manusia berpoligami apakah keadilan yg menjadi junjungan Muhammad dapat tercipta.
Maha benar Allah dengan segala firmannya.

Mata itu sedang menatap tajam ke arah ketidakadilan yang menimpanya. Fahri, suami tercinta, dituduh memperkosa gadis Mesir. Benarkah dia lelaki baik? Ataukah Aisha sudah tergoda dengan tipu rayu lelaki hidung belang?

Aisha dan kepedihannya..
"Ya Alloh, Lindungilah suamiku. Lelaki Indonesia yang tidak tahu apa-apa itu. Lelaki Indonesia yang mencoba menjadi lelaki muslim yang baik, suami serta anak yang berbakti kepada isteri dan orang tuanya.."

Siyes r Miera btau, filem nie memang betOl² menyentuh hati & perasaan I taw.Memang besar pengOrbanan yang dilakukan Aisyah terhadap suami tercinta..ceyh, jiwang pulak~! Setakat nie, adalah dalam 10 kali Miera dOk nengOk filem nie..almaklOmlah I ada beli CD nya 2 tahun lepas..lama tuh deyh! Filem nie gak mengajar kita tentang betapa indahya Islam..& hargai serta ikhlas menerima suami yang tersayang..oops! Sorry, i'm still nOt available ok!=)

Phobia II

Filem nie diadaptasi dari sambungan 4bia, & dikenali sebagai 4bia II/Phobia II..Ia masih lagi sama seperti episOd yang I, iaitu dipecahkan kepada 5 cerita pendek yang berbeza iaitu:
"Novice","Ward", "Backpackers","Salvage", & "In
The End". 
Cerita yang paling Miera minat sekali sudah semestinya In The End..
Ohya, sinOpsis dia Miera tak tulis dalam dwibahasa sebab setiap cerita ada kisah² tersendiri dia..takut kalau Miera yang tafsirkan, sampai esOk pagi kOrang dOk scroll dOwn mOuse..=)


The story focuses on a 14 year old; Pey, who has committed a crime Pa-Hin (throwing rocks at oncoming cars) with his partner, Tee. In order to keep the news low, his mom decides that Pey must be ordained to become a buddhist novice to escape from the crime he committed as monks cannot be arrested. While Pey remains unnoticed as a criminal by the law, his actions at a sanctuary disturbs a ceremony which was performed in order to "feed" the ghosts of the punished youth. Also, it is here where he has flashbacks of the night he caused his father's accident (and death) by throwing rocks at his car, mistaking him for a normal driver. While seeking repentance, was being punished by an invisible presence hurl rocks at him until he becomes severely disfigured. He attempts to call his mother for help but she only hears a high pitched cry. Pey is then transformed into on the punished ghosts for his crime.


Arthit is a playful teenager who crashes his bike and fractures both his legs, requiring him to spend the night in a hospital. He is moved from the ER into a shared room, where he meets an old man in a coma who has been waiting for almost a month for his family to decide to pull the plug on his life support. He is scheduled to be let go the next day, as his last relatives need to travel from the North to see him. As the night progresses, Arthit begins to see strange things, such as a tray of food left for the old man suddenly disappearing. He tries to convince a nurse to move rooms but to no avail. As the night draws to an end, the old man suddenly gets up and attacks Arthit. He almost gains the upper hand when the old man pukes into his mouth and the screen fades to black. The next morning when the nurse checks on Arthit, she finds that the old man's spirit has been transferred into Arthit. It appears that this was the family's intention as they are seen bowing to him as he exits on a wheelchair.


Backpakers begins innocently enough with two Japanese travelers (a boy and a girl - it is not clear if they are partners or brother and sister)hitchhiking through the Thai countryside with no luck. No one will pick them up until the Japanese boy waves a small wad of money at a truck passing by which stops to pick them up. The truck is driven by a rough and dirty looking man who immediately extorts them for more money and a young man who refers to the older as 'boss' and asks him not to pick up the passangers. This is no ordinary truck with no ordinary cargo and problems begin when the driver gets a mystery phone call that sets him shouting down the phone "don't make trouble!" And While they're traveling there is heard a loud banging from inside the back of the truck. After hearing this, the driver takes a wrong route and holds the hitchhikers hostage at gun point before stopping the truck in the middle of nowhere and taking the keys. When the driver and his young friend check their cargo, to their surprise the truck was filled with lots of dead bodies (We are given a flashback that makes us assume the young man was transporting people who swallowed bun sized balls of drugs/amphetimines making him a drug runner)- so it seems the shock is because they are dead - not because they are there. When they drop the bodies out of the truck the young Japanese backpaker gains the upper hand by getting the gun but not for long as suddenly the dead bodies returns to life and began chasing them. Will they outwit the angry undead before they become their meal? It is a zombie story with a twist that you certainly wont see again in a hurry. Creepy!


Nuch is a car dealer with a difference. She makes her comfortable living by rebuilding severely damaged cars, many from fatal accidents, and sells them to the unsuspecting with a sweet smile and a hand shake. But little do these unsuspecting bargain hunters know, that beneath the new upholstery and shiny repainted exteriors are cars with horrific pasts. One night after closing the car garage she discovers her son is missing. She tried to look for her son in her compound, and was spooked by the ghosts of accident victims. She got locked in a car, and witnessed how some of the victims got burnt to death in the car during an accident. Eventually she managed to escape, and tried driving her own car away. She had difficulties starting her car, and the engine sounded weird. As she pulled away from the compound, her car's engine suddenly died. She stepped out, and found her son's shoe in front of the car.
She stepped forward, bracing herself for the worst, and opened the bonnet of the car. There, she found her little boy, incinerated by the engine of the car. The parts closed with Nuch crying motionless to her body-squashed dead little son.

"In The End"

Ter, Puak, Shin and Aey are the movie crew of an upcoming ghost/horror movie "ALONE 2". They are shooting their last scene, the climax where the ghost appears crawling out of a dark hallway. Puak is trying to be cool and tells one of the sick cast member - Gade - playing the ghost, that "the show must go on". However she becomes too sick to finish the shoot and is taken to hospital where a doctor informs her friend that she is dead. A funny tragedy of errors ensues where it becomes hard to tell who is really dead and a ghost and who is not IN THE END.

 Tarikh tayangan:
09.09.09 @ 9 September 2009
2 jam
Dalam cerita nO 5 nie, walaupOn ada babak² yang menyebabkan bulu rOma  kOrang meremang, tapi siyes gle kOrang kOnfius sape yang dah mati, sape yang hidup lagi..;). Ditambahkan lagi dengan watak Aey yang memang boleh wat Miera cair sejak 4bia dulu, lagi ler Miera bertambah obses kat filem nie..sO kalau kOrang belOm tengOk lagi filem nie, janganlah kemOt sangat nak beli CD nye k..Even Miera sanggup balik malam semata² nak tengOk filem nie sebab waktu tuh tiket habis! Naseb baek lah teman guey yang tukang bawak masa tu tak kesah..=) Tapi memang tak rugi kalau tengOk filem nie.siyes gle! *ReceptiOn: It was a big hit, making 15.5 Million Baht on its opening day and 64.4 Million Baht in its opening week, highest in Thailand's movie history.*

Sumber: Google Gugila

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